About Us
The Salman Sufi Foundation is an independently run social welfare enterprise dedicated towards bringing social change by designing and implementing projects catering to the needs of the masses.
At SSF we see ourselves as a bridge between corporations and donor agencies and the people in wait of innovative means of creating the largest amount of progress for the biggest amount of people.
We believe that the solutions to the problems faced by the citizens of Pakistan are broad based and demand immediate attention. We actively pursue advocacy but our portfolio is not limited to it; our specialty is implementation. We believe in action!
We therefore work towards designing, executing and managing projects that focus primarily on the issues faced by people on a regular basis as we want to alter the lived reality of the common citizen of Pakistan.
The Salman Sufi Foundation believes in implementing tangible grass root level change which revolves around sustainability. All our projects are geared towards empowerment of marginalized communities as we try to address and fix the inherent inequalities present in Pakistan. our approach focuses on developing strong ties with big corporations boosting the economy of Pakistan to also play their role in bringing on-ground change by either designing a wholistic CSR project as per their liking or continuing and revamping an existing CSR project made more impactful with our expertise.